Olenergies team explains the Smart Battery for the Maison de la Chimie

Meet a part of our team in the new episode of the series “Des idées plein la tech'” realized for the webTV of the Cité des sciences & the Palais de la découverte and the Médiachimie website of the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie.

The filmmakers were able to understand, capture, and relate the message and the stakes of Olenergies in a 7-minute video.

Our other projects & news


OLENERGIES equips DriX Unmanned surface vehicle

Our batteries equip the autonomous marine surface drones “DriX” developed by iXblue that designs and manufactures high-tech equipment in the marine and autonomy fields.

robots welding in a production line image courtesy of dfc

Radio interview: Olenergies Green 4.0 factory

Meet Julien Le Guennec who explains the principle of the OLENERGIES 4.0 positive energy lithium battery manufacturing plant


OLENERGIES boosts the Oasis coffee and makes it 2x powerfull

Our engineers have been working on a second version of the Oasis Coffee to become twice as powerfull and ready for jackhammers

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